Sunday, September 11, 2016

Nursery Reveal!

With this being my second pregnancy I've pretty much been nesting to some degree since week 15 of this second pregnancy. Tomorrow we will be into week 36, and then full term baby! So really Baby Pajamas could be making his debut anytime... Like really anytime. I'm hoping he still hangs in there until October though, it just seems like a fun month to have a birthday.

This pregnancy in general though isn't the intent of this post. Being in our new home and being able to give Baby Pajamas his own room has meant a lot of hours spent on his nursery, many trips to Ikea, Target and Joann fabrics because I've gotten to DIY quite a bit of his nursery. I've often contemplated a sister blog to this one or a the occasional post here show casing how to's on some of my projects.

Note the wall. I can name every mountain range on that feature wall. My sister was nice enough to help me it took hours of blending paints, and sketching each range or mountain. I laid them all out in CAD on a grid of the wall and then transposed it up onto the wall. It was a fun project, and is by far my favorite thing in the room, at least until Baby Pajamas comes! :) We were lucky I have hung on to quite a few of the larger things of Little Pajamas, so were reusing his crib. Hopefully we will get a new mattress for it before he is sleeping in there on a regular basis though. 

See the awesome corner shelves?? My super awesome step father in law made those for us totally custom with reclaimed barn wood from his grand fathers barn. Meaning they came from Little / Baby's GREAT GREAT step grandparents barn... Which I think is just so cool and special! Check out the mountain range shelf below, he made this for us too. Its so beautiful and we've definitely been super spoiled! I am so grateful for everything that our families have given up and helped with in making this room the perfect oasis I have imagined. 

The glider has had many an hour spend in it with Little Pajama and I am so grateful that I hung onto it so many more snugly memories could be made in it. It may be hard to tell, but the picture on the wall up there is from the My Brother My Brother and Me tour in the PNW last summer (2015 when we couldn't be there because we were in Yellowstone), it was a candle nights gift from my sister, and I was waiting for the perfect spot to put it, Baby's nursery ended up fitting the bill, of course, we weren't pregnant when I received it. 
The mint curtains were sewed and one of the last things I finished up before I felt ready to share his nursery with all of you. The white blanket keeps with the neutrals in the room, and I love the pop of orange the fox pillow provides, the blanket, reading light, and blue storage trunk are from Ikea, and the pillow is from Target's Pillow Fort line. 

 A childrens Poang and a close up of the reclaimed shelves.

 We fell in love with this little rustic looking clock at Ikea so I can keep track of how long I spend nursing. and the bear is a night light, again from Target's Pillow Fort line. Its really sweet all lit up at night!

Fun fact this Bison was bought for me when I was 18 months old because I could snort like the Bison in Yellow Stone. 

We found this dresser on craigslist and were able to paint and customize it for our needs, it also meant we didn't need to take up extra space for a changing table since its the right height. (Bonus it has a mate that we haven't done anything with yet but put in Daddy Pajama and I's bedroom where we desperately needed more storage!) 

Look at these precious fawn drawer pulls we put onto the top two drawers of the his dresser. (We found them on Etsy!) 

Little Pajamas was amazed at my abilities to create this arrow using painters tape while we put the blue layer on the dresser. There is one on the other side pointing down, but its hidden by his corner laundry hamper. 

This crib skirt is another DIY its fully adjustable so it wont be all bunched up on the ground as we lower the crib once he learns to stand. Plus I love the arrow print, it has so many of the colors we incorporated into the nursery... On a side note I have a ton of extra fabric from it which happens to be out door fabric so I'll likely be making something fun with the remainder for next summer.

Another on par Ikea find. 

And me! 36 weeks pregnant! Were getting close folks!! 

I have a ton more pictures of my organized drawers and closet... but I think this is enough for this post. Its easily one of the most soothing rooms I've been in, its calm and cool and just right for our little explorer. We are so excited for him to make his debut! 

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