Being a Mom is hard. I can not stress this enough. Nor can I stress how much I love it enough either. These things make it exhausting as all get out however as well. Its been a while since I posted, and it had been a while since the post before that one too...
So if you don't know, I'm not only being Mom, and a full time employee, I'm also planning a wedding now. None of these things are all that easy on their own let alone combined. Inbetween the bigger conundrums like "Do I want to have a different last name than my child?" (No.) There are slightly smaller conundrums likes "Does this wedding invitation come in silver?" (UGH to many options out there!) Needless to say I'm exhausted, so is Daddy Pajamas so is Little Pajamas.
On top of all that crazy we have kindergarten starting in about a month. HOLY CRAP HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??? I'm so excited for him, but I'm also terrified of the wrath of a child who goes to school 6 hours a day 5 days a week. He is cranky. Part of his cranky I know is absorbed from my cranky. (My middle name should seriously be Cranky Pants I don't know how they put up with me.) He also is probably slightly starved for attention right now, as many of my evenings are spent on Etsy looking at wedding stuff, or pintrest getting ideas. (Have you ever been caught in a pintrest vortex its intense!) Whining is at an all time maximum right now and Daddy Pajamas and I are getting really tired of it.
We will hit strides like yay he's not whining this week. Then the next week he's whining about something else. A lot of it I'm sure is him testing him limits starting to find out what we will, and will not let him get away with. It's exhausting, but we are handling the whining.
The last few weeks a new, rather unpleasant phase has popped up. One that was unexpected and I'm trying so hard to be patient and understanding but its lying. Every other thing he says is a lie, a blatant of course that's not true lie. We've explained lying and why this isn't ok, they've gotten minorly better since then, Were sticking with it and doing our best to stay calm make sure he understands that we know hes not being honest without making him be in trouble. "Its a phase Its a phase Its a phase" (Hopefully I will be able to retire this mantra someday!)
We do know that this is normal phase and that before know it like so many other phases it will pass. If you have any tips for dealing with it I'd be happy to have them,
Hopefully all of the behavior issues we've faced since January, will start to calm down once we get through the wedding. I'm trying and I know that's the important thing, and as long as I'm trying I guess I will just accept that I am going to exist on coffee for the next 6 months. I do love him and I know its not easy on him. I will continue to remind myself of this, but in the mean time if he ran out of tears, my feelings wouldn't be hurt.