If you're children are fully vaccinated to what is allowed for their age and level of health. Thank you, you are doing a good job. If you child is not, well THIS POST IS FOR YOU! Feel like a winner? You shouldn't. I'm about to tell what is what.
Measles, wow what a scary horrific illness that can affect so many people. Especially children, well infants. It shouldn't be affecting children, because they really should be vaccinated against this, and whole host of other really nasty shit. The easiest choice to ever make regarding my child, was to vaccinate him, this might have even have been easier than the choice to breastfeed. For me both were no brainers.
If you are not getting your child vaccinated here is why you suck. Disney Land! Happiest place on earth right? Yea its great, now imagine you have gone to Disney Land, where your in close proximity to people, people from all over the world. Measles cases in America were basically non existent. Not any more. I saw headline today about more out breaks being reported in Illinois. I will not lie, I did not read the article. My blood was to boiled to read the article.
Have you seen the new story about the little boy in Marin County California who has been battling Lukemia, guess what, his immune system inst strong enough so he hasn't been able to get vaccinated yet, he is at a HUGE risk. Guess who else is at a huge risk? Every baby under the age of 18 months (I believe is when children get their first dose of the measles vaccination. These children who can not be vaccinated, largely rely on HERD IMMUNITY, these children who cant be vaccinated rely on children and parents who can vaccinate their children to do so. Guess what if you haven't vaccinated your child, and you hear about a kid near by who got an illness they shouldn't have to deal with, you are guilty.
If you do not vaccinate your children, you are selfish. Horribly terribly selfish. I minor irritation, or a few hours of flu like symptoms are COMPLETELY worth the knowledge that your child is protected against horrors FAR worse than those. Guess what vaccinations don't cause autism. The doctor who made up those lies has severely harmed the children in this country along with Jenny McCarthy and her spewing lies. (On a side note I can understand a parent wanting to blame something medical for thier child having to have a harder life, but a vaccination is NOT what caused this!) America has disappointed me once again. Are we so caught up in following other people that we don't listen to the health professionals we trust with the health of our children. BY all means if your child's doctor has real concerns and reasons about why your child should not be vaccinated, then you should not vaccinate your children.
Did you know that before the small pox vaccination was created there were mothers, so terrified of their children getting sick and dying they got themselves sick to be able to pass along lesser strains to their children in hopes of being able to protect them? Can you imagine? I am so grateful for those mothers, and I would never want to disappoint a mom who clearly understood what needed to be done enough to risk her own life by not using the modern medicine.
If you want more info on the subject, I highly recommend listening to the Sawbones episode about vaccinations. http://maximumfun.org/shows/sawbones?page=2
Then go find the one they did recently about Measles as well.
Here's another thing, starting at age 13 you can now for the very first time, protect your children from some types of cancer. Its only three shots and could save their lives. How cool is that??